Jean Marie Guilfoil has had an interesting career that began as a producer of electronic dance music in Australia and moved into Human Resources management with Australia’s leading customer service organization, giving her a glimpse into two very diverse industries and how the world is managed.
Today she resides in Tasmania with her husband where they live a simple life away from the mainstream, and her observations on our current construct are very insightful. Jean Marie has managed to spend the majority of her time offline and away from the sticky grasp of the internet. In this conversation we discuss the stealthy seduction of wifi that takes all of us through a black-mirrored portal into a synthetic reality that mesmerizes the mind and captures our precious time. Is this a form of sorcery? Skilled manipulation? An attempt to steer our consciousness? Our conversation will get you thinking.
In the second hour Jean Marie discusses the overlay of the internet on our natural, divine organic essence, inspiring ways to cultivate personal evolution and health. She is a wealth of intelligence and wisdom and she will give you much food for thought as we navigate this technological construct.
Check out her websites:
Creative Videos:
Steve and Krys Crimi run the publishing house, Logosophia Books, and I am honored to be one of their authors. They are wise elders...