The Mushroom's Apprentice FREE

A Podcast by Shonagh Home

Latest Episodes


December 22, 2023 00:53:52
Rak Razam: Psychedelic Elder & Man of Wisdom • Episode 27 • Free •

Rak Razam: Psychedelic Elder & Man of Wisdom • Episode 27 • Free •

I had the pleasure of meeting Rak Razam over ten years ago when he interviewed me for his podcast, In A Perfect World. I...



December 08, 2023 01:01:35
Ibogaine for Addiction and Psycho-Spiritual Transformation • Episode 26 • Free •

Ibogaine for Addiction and Psycho-Spiritual Transformation • Episode 26 • Free •

I am honored to introduce you to Richie Ogulnick, who has dedicated his life to helping people heal with Ibogaine. Very few people realize...



November 24, 2023 01:13:27
Truth Beauty and the Good • Episode 25 • Free •

Truth Beauty and the Good • Episode 25 • Free •

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November 22, 2023 01:05:54
Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •

Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •

Having read French Sociologist, Gustave Le Bon’s, illuminating book, The Psychology of Crowds, over the summer, I made a note to do an episode...



November 12, 2023 01:05:54
Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •

Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •

 Having read French Sociologist, Gustave Le Bon’s, illuminating book, The Psychology of Crowds, over the summer, I made a note to do an episode...



October 27, 2023 01:01:25
The Great American Eclipse Cycle • Episode 23 • Free •

The Great American Eclipse Cycle • Episode 23 • Free •

This is my second time interviewing astrologist, Robert Phoenix, and he did not disappoint. Robert gave his listeners a big head’s up in fall...
